Among the contestants of "The 8 World Wonders" were unique places like
The Amazon (Amazonia) is the world's largest river surrounded by extraordinary frainforests that cover up to seven million square kilometers.
Galapagos - an archipelage of volcanic islands with unique animals that is located west of Equador
The Iguazu falls - among the world's largest waterfalls the Iguazu falls are surrounded by many endangered species
The actual winners though were eight of the world's most famous national tresures. There are all destinations that a person should visit no matter what.
- Giza Pyramid cmplex (Cairo, Egypt)
- Chichen Itza (Yucatan, Mexico)
- Christ the Redeemer(Rio de Janeiro)
- Colosseum(Rome,Italy)
- Great wall of China(China)
- Machu Picchu(Cuzco)
- Petra (Jordan)
- Taj Mahal(Agra,India)
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MurraY!! <3 Your blog is wonderful. It has a lot of beatiful pictures! This is a very interesting post that caught my interest. You explained "The 8 World Wonders" in a very interesting way. I think you should have written a little more about "The 8 World Wonders". (: :*